Profile: AWS Pollution and Project Construction Pvt. Ltd. provides a wide range of environmental, occupational health and safety related services. In the environmental field, our services range from identification and quantification of pollutants in industries to abatement of the same by implementation of suitable control systems for the pollution of both air & water. We carry out safety audit in factories and monitor pollutants, ventilation condition & illumination level in work zones as per the requirement of the factory directorate. We design and implement industrial effluent treatment plant, air pollution control measures, including ESP & scrubber system, water treatment plants & ground water/river water iron removal plant. We render safety services in industries. We also provide special studies on environment including environmental impact assessment (EIA) study, consequence analysis, hazardous operability study, risk assessment, safety audit and occupational health & safety study. We monitor ambient air quality, work zone environment, fugitive emissions, volatile organic compound (VOC) with the use of gas chromatograph. We also monitor and analyze waste water/effluent water measurement of flow of water through drains & streams.