Garlock Helicoflex |
Address: 2770 The Boulevard P.O. Box 9889, Columbia, South Carolina 29290, USA |
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Phone: +1-(803)-783-1880, 800-233-1722
Garlock Helicoflex is a provider of sealing solutions for complex applications. Our product line includes ultra flex low-load metal seal, cefilair inflatable seal and Helicoflex spring-energized seals
Tapes & Technical Solutions |
Address: 1105 Tuckahoe Dr., Nashville, Tennessee 37207, USA |
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Phone: +1-(615)-244-7554
Tapes & Technical Solutions specializes in tapes and packaging solutions. We are an ISO 9001:2000 certified company. Our product line includes tapes, adhesives, dispensers, envelopes, labels, stretch
Indico Rubber Co., Ltd. |
Address: Units 11/12, Redferne Industrial Estate, Meadow Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1RE, United Kingdom |
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Phone: +44-(1613)-519696
Indico Rubber Co., Ltd.specializes in rubber technology solutions. Our products include inflatable rubber, rubber bellows, accumulator bags, hat press bags, and bespoke moldings. Our inflatable rubber
Cellular Developments Ltd. |
Address: Nyewood Industries, Nyewood, Petersfield, Hampshire GU31 5HA, United Kingdom |
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Phone: +44-(1730)-821651
Cellular Developments Ltd. specializes in the manufacture of sponge & solid rubber moldings & extrusions, rubber to metal bonded products, gaskets, autoclave cured, formed tubes, convoluted hoses, and
J-Flex Rubber Products |
Address: Unit 1 London Road Business Park, London Road, Retford, Nottinghamshire DN22 6HG, United Kingdom |
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Phone: +44-(1777)-712400
J-Flex Rubber Products specializes in the manufacture of industrial rubber products for aerospace, pharmaceutical, electronics, and chemical processing industries. We are an BS: EN: ISO 9001: 2008 cer
Hydac Technology Ltd. |
Address: De Havilland Way, Windrush Park, Witney,, Oxfordshire OX29 OYG, United Kingdom |
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Phone: +44-(1993)-86 63 66
Hydac Technology Ltd. is an industrial service provider. We focus on fluid technology in connection with hydraulics, electronics and engineering. We avail a wide range of products. With the dewatering