Elements Inc. |
Address: 3400 Shasta Gateway Drive, Shasta Lake, California 96019, USA
icpsupplies.com |
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Phone: +1-(530)-232-3626
Elements Inc. provides ICP-OES, ICP-AES, ICP-MS instrument consumables and sample preparation products. Our items offer real solutions such as the MSIS hydride generation system, automated dilution sy
Berghof/America |
Address: 3773 NW 126th Ave, Building 1, Coral Springs, Florida 33065, USA
www.berghofusa.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-544-5004
Berghof/America distributes labware and environmental equipment made of fluoropolymer for research and industry. Our products include distillation apparatus and acid purification apparatus reaction ve
Aqualogic, Inc. |
Address: 30 Devine St., North Haven, Connecticut 06473, USA
www.aqualogic.com |
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Phone: +1-(203)-248-8959
Aqualogic, Inc. is a source for wastewater treatment, recovery, finishing and cleaning systems. Our wastewater equipment is designed for the automatic batch treatment & flow through treatment of chrom