Kavlico Corporation |
Address: 14501 Los Angeles Avenue, Moorpark, California 93021, USA
www.kavlico.com |
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Phone: +1-(805)-523-2000
Kavlico Corporation designs & manufactures pressure transducers and transmitters for a variety of oil, gas & petrochemical applications. We cater to vapor recovery, production tank measurements, wellh
Wabtec Rail Ltd. |
Address: PO Box 400, Doncaster Works, Hexthorpe Road, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN1 1SL, United Kingdom
www.wabtecrail.co.uk |
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Phone: +44-(1302)-340700
Wabtec Rail Ltd. is a manufacturer of railway equipment & related systems. We provide services like overhaul, interior refurbishment, re-painting & re-livery, accident repairs, air conditioning, and d