Profile: Active Total Security Systems deals with security systems, alarm security systems like burglar alarm systems, intruder alarm systems and electronic timers. Our burglar alarm has inbuilt extended hours battery backup with automatic recharging circuit. We offer comprehensive maintenance contract, and non-comprehensive maintenance contract to suit the clients' needs. An emergency voice alarm communication system is part of a fire alarm system that uses high reliability speakers to notify the occupants of the need for action in connection with a fire or other emergency. These speakers are special types of fire alarm notification appliances. Emergency voice alarm communication systems are employed in large facilities where general undirected evacuation is considered impracticable or undesirable. The audible textual signals from the speakers are used to direct the occupant's response during a fire or other emergency. The system may be controlled from one or more locations within the building known as fire wardens stations, or from a single location designated as the building fire command center. Speakers are automatically activated by the fire alarm system in a fire event, and following a pre-alert tone, selected groups of speakers may transmit one or more pre-recorded messages directing the occupants to safety.