 Thyristor Stacks Suppliers > Airtech Engineers

Airtech Engineers

Contact: Daljeet Singh
Address: RZ-172, Ravi Nagar Extn., Part-II, Khyala, Delhi 110018, India
Phone: +91-(11)-64687480, 28335741 | Fax: +91-(11)-28335741 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Airtech Engineers specializes in offering fans & blowers, axial fan/man coolers, air filters, scrubbers/dust collectors, grill/dampers/diffusers, roof extractor and air cooling unit. Induced draft fans are used in power plants. They exhaust combustion products from boilers, and create sufficient negative pressure to establish a slight suction in the furnace. These fans are sometimes used as a booster fan with flue gas desulphurization scrubbers. The air washer units of capacities from 3000 cfm to 40,000 cfm are available in various models. The design incorporates important components like air filter section, and air washer system including of water pump & water elimination arrangements available in spray bank type and cell type. The unit requires no civil works.

10 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Air Filters• Axial Fans• Blowers
• Centrifugal Blowers• Diffusers• Dust Collectors
• Forced Draft Fans• Induced Draft Fans• Roof Extractor
• Scrubbers

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