Alarm Annunciator/Flashing Light Alarm Unit
Description: Flashing light alarm unit can indicate 8 channels of alarms by sound and light. The hardware adopts Yudian AI-3 platform, which is designed for frequency and On-Off signal. Features include advanced modularised design, flexible and fast delivery, photoelectric isolated alarm signal, reliable circuit with strong anti-interference ability, semiconductor flash components offering high brightness, soft colour, low power consumption, and long life and equipped with normal open relay for alarm output action and buzzer as well as test and silencer. The unit can be operated by the panel keys or by external connected switches. The unit is approved under ISO 9001-2000 and operates on universal 100-240 V AC or 24 V DC power supply as well as 100-240 V AC (+70% to - IS%)/50-60 Hz. The power consumption - p2 W and the unit can operate at ambient temperatures of 0 to 60 degrees centigrade.
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