 Architectural Door Frames Suppliers > Aloma Shim and Manufacturing

Aloma Shim and Manufacturing

Contact: Fred Grove Jr - President
Address: PO Box 246, Oakmont, Pennsylvania 15139, USA
Phone: +1-(800)-962-5662 | Fax: +1-(412)-828-7280 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Aloma is a source for pre-cut & custom shims, precision fabricated parts and a variety of job shop manufacturing services. We specialize in long and short run laser cutting services, water jet cutting services and CNC machining services. We manufacture custom shims and fabricated parts, stamping and forming of shims, shim kits, alignment devices and accessories. We are ISO 9001:2008 registered.

1 to 100 of 104 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  Page: [1] 2 >> Next 100 Results
• 3D CNC Machining• Alignment Shims• Alloy Steel Shims
• Aluminum High Speed Machining• Aluminum Shim Stocks• Aluminum Shims
• Arbor Shims• Blast Furnace• Blue Tempered Shim Stocks
• Blue Tempered Steel Shim Stocks• Brass Shim Stock Rolls• Brass Shim Stocks
• Brass Shims• Carbon Steel Fabrication• Carbon Steel Shims
• Carbon Steel Shims• CNC Aluminum Machining• CNC Horizontal Machining
• CNC Laser Cutting• CNC Machining• CNC Machining & Laser Cutting Job Shop
• CNC Machining & Milling Services• CNC Machining Job Shop• CNC Metal Machining
• CNC Plastic Machining• CNC Precision Machining• CNC Steel Machining
• CNC Turret Punching/Plasma Cutting• Compressor Shims• Contour Machining
• Contract Machining• Conventional Machining• Copper Shim Stocks
• Cork Shims• Custom Laser Cutting• Custom Laser Production
• Custom Machining• Custom Machining, Milling• Custom Machining, Turning
• Custom Plastics Machining• Equipment Mounts & Shims, Precut Shims, Shim K...• Fine Laser Cutting
• Flat Laser Cutting• Horizontal CNC Machining• Horizontal Machining Services
• Iron & Steel Mills• Laser Cut Boards• Laser Cut Components
• Laser Cut Dieboards• Laser Cut Gaskets• Laser Cut Stencils
• Laser Cutting Plastics• Laser Cutting Services• Laser Cutting, Rounds, Rectangle, Square Tubing
• Laser Etching• Laser Machining• Laser Sheet Metal Cutting
• Laser, Drilling, Cutting• Machining Job Shop• Maintenance of Compressors
• Metal & Plastic Machining Job Shop• Metal & Plastic Precision Machining• Metal Laser Cutting
• Metal Parts Machining Job Shop• Multi-Axis CNC Machining• Multi-Axis Laser Cutting Services
• Multiple Axis Machining• Nylon Shims• Plasma Cutting
• Plastic Shims• Pre-cut Shims for Pumps• Precision Contract Machining
• Precision Machining Job Shop• Precision Waterjet Cutting Services• Precison Machining
• Production CNC Machining• Prototype Machining Services• Prototyping Machining
• Rubber Shims• Sheet Metal Laser Cutting• Shim Rolls
• Shim Washer• Short Run Machining• Slotted Shims for Pumps
• Spring Steel Shims• Stackable Horseshoe Shims• Stainless Steel Alignment Shims
• Stainless Steel Round Shim Sheet• Stainless Steel Shim Sheet• Stainless Steel Shim Stocks
• Stainless Steel Shims• Stainless Steel Shims• Stainless Steel Square Shim Sheet
• Stamped Shims• Steel Fabrication• Steel Shim Stocks
• Tube Laser Cutting Services• Turned Machining Parts• Vertical CNC Machining
• Vertical Machining Services

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