 Fiber Optic Adapter Panels Suppliers > American Spray Technologies

American Spray Technologies

Contact: David McLeod - President
Address: 1502 22nd St. N.W., Ste. A, Auburn, Washington 98001, USA
Phone: +1-(877)-833-4342 | Fax: +1-(253)-833-4329 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: American Spray Technologies is a manufacturer of contractor grade spray equipment for spraying wall texture, acoustic ceilings, fireproofing and eifs. Our products include big rig trailers, big rig skids and big rig electrics. We also offer trailer, skid and castor mount versions. We provide single tank, split tank and a special double pump version that is designed to support two spray operators at the same time. Our AST model 150 is one of drywall texture machines for professional contractors. This texture sprayer gives the power to get the job done quickly and provides more than enough tank capacity for even large drywall spray jobs.

8 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Air Compressors• Drywall Texture Sprayers• Electric Drywall Machines
• Gas Texture Spray Rigs• Portable Texture Sprayers• Skid Texture Sprayers
• Texture Machines• Trailers

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