 Flange Design Suppliers > Appleton Stainless

Appleton Stainless

Contact: Gary Fahey - General Manager
Address: 2920 Progress St. / PO Box 363, Appleton, Wisconsin 54911, USA
Phone: +1-(920)-733-9000 | Fax: +1-(920)-733-2725 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Appleton Stainless is a supplier of pipes, tubes, valves and fittings. Our products include cone reducers, tee, tangent reducers, flanges, return bends, poison pads, plate flanges, mitred elbows, groove fittings, flanged end fittings, bulkhead adapters, branch outlets and angle face rings. Our tangent reducers are used in instances where a flanged or grooved joint is required. Our poison pads are used to prevent metallurgical contamination of stainless pipe or tube when supported by steel pipe hangers, cradles or pipe stands.

8 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Bulkhead Adapters• Flanges• Grooved Fittings
• Metals Processing• Mitered Elbows• Pipe Fittings
• Stainless Steel Sheet• Valves & Fittings

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