 Wet Decking for Cooling Towers Suppliers > Arrow - Magnolia International, Inc.

Arrow - Magnolia International, Inc.

Contact: Barry Tuzo - Independent Sales Representative
Address: 2646 Rodney Lane, Dallas, Texas 75229, USA
Phone: +1-(800)-527-2101 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Arrow - Magnolia International, Inc. specializes in the manufacture of industrial cleaning products. We manufacture & market industrial cleaning products to solve everyday problems arising from the cleaning and maintenance of buildings & equipment. We offer green, non hazardous and biodegradable products for virtually any application. We develop chemicals for cleaning baked-on carbon, dirt, bugs, soot and grease from the exterior of all aircraft as well as de-icing material & equipment. We also specialize in industrial chemicals for maintaining all phases of cleaning and degreasing heavy equipment, from removal of asphalt to asphalt release agents, to cleaning products that can be used through pressure washers & steam cleaners. We develop industrial cleaners that remove dry, hard concrete and rust from forms & equipment. ARCS-250 is a non-hydrocarbon based degreaser/tar remover. Because it is made with refined soybean oils and citrus based oils, it has none of the environmental hazards commonly associated with chlorinated or hydrocarbon based solvents. CD-80 non-flammable penetrant/lubricant reduces hazards in the workplace by eliminating the extremely flammable characteristics of most penetrating sprays. It frees rusted and corroded nuts, bolts, studs, set screws, aluminum & copper fittings. CD-80 penetrates through grease, soil and sludge. It lubricates & prevents corrosion on rusted and frozen parts. It is used in garages, factories, on farm machinery, marine and aeronautical equipment, in shops & homes.

30 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Air Fresheners• Aircraft Cleaners• Aircraft Wash and Carbon Removers
• Anti Seize Lubricants• Aviation Air Deodorizers• Aviation Grade Polish-Restorer-Protector
• Aviation Lubricants• Cleaning Chemicals• Concrete Coatings Removers
• Custom Lubricants• Custom Spill Kit• Floor Refurbishers
• Glass Cleaners• Graffiti Remover• Hand Cleaners
• Heavy Duty Hand Cleaners• High Temperature Lubricants• Industrial Chemicals
• Industrial Cleaners & Sanitizers• Industrial Lubricants• Lock Free Anti-Sieze
• Lubricants• Non-Flammable Penetrant/Lubricant• Penetrant Lubricants
• Plastic Safe Contact Cleaners• Removal of Paint & Rust• Rust Remover
• Rust Stain Remover• Specialty Lubricants• Telephone Booth Glass Cleaners

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