Audionideo Door Phones
Audionideo Door Phones are used for home, commercial and industrial security. Its features include an audio/video door phone for single and multi apartment, double ding dong, one doorway access system connects up to 4 indoor extensions, have the function of talk back, monitor, inner calling & conversation and unlock & high performance CCD camera. Unishilp Electronics offers security products. Its clients range from residential customers to small showrooms, stores, industries, corporate houses, govt. sector undertakings, hospitals and departmental stores. The product portfolio includes B/W & colour CCTV monitors, CCD cameras, remote and matrix switchers, access control system through proximity card, smart card, biometric, keypad, wired/wireless burglar alarm systems, audio/video door phones for single/multi apartments, multiplexers, quads, digital monitoring & remote surveillance systems, wireless camera systems, digital audio/video voice recorders and currency counting machines.
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