'U' Type Siphon Suppliers > Bangor Cork

Bangor Cork

Contact: Pete Raines - Owner
Web: https://www.bangorcork.com
E-Mail: [EMail]bangorcork@getsmartacre.com
Address: 316 N Broadway, Wind Gap, Pennsylvania 18091, USA
Phone: +1-(610)-759-0320 | Fax: +1-(610)-759-0323 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Bangor Cork is a supplier and distributor of cork rolls and cork sheets. We offer cork boards, chalk boards, and white boards. Cork roll is ideal for use as bulletin boards, cork wall coverings, and manufacturing components. Our manufacturing components include spacers, hobby, and other cork products. All orders are cut oversized to accommodate any shrinking. 2' x 3' fabric faced aluminum framed bulletin board with genuine Guilford FR701 2100 panel fabric over 1/8" Natural Tan Composition cork laminated to 3/8" fiberboard backer framed with anodized aluminum frame with 1" face and heavy 1/8" wall thickness "L" clip Mounting hardware included.

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