Basket Centrifuges are often called as centrifugal filters or clarifiers. The solids and liquids are separated by centrifugal force using a filter media mounted over a supporting mesh. The slurry to be filtered is fed through the feed nozzles to a basket and the liquid is forced out through the filter media while solids are retained within the filter media. These solids are then separated by various discharging methods - manually, bag-lifting basket, through scrapper operated manually/pneumatically/hydraulically. All centrifuges can be supplied either in 3-point type suspension or the 4-point type mounting (on Visco Damper/ Sordino Damper) anti-vibration mounts. Advantages include: less vibration and operate very smoothly, can be easily mounted on upper floor, easily relocated; working area is free from abstracts and additional weight of motor is taken care by additional supporting points. These are available in carbon steel, stainless steel, rubber lined, and haler lined. NSI Equipments offers basket centrifuges.