Profile: Bluegrass Bit is a demolition company. We offer diamond wire cutting, non-explosive demolition, metal cutting, concrete shaving, robotic hammering, concrete cutting, controlled demolition and core drilling. Our diamond wire sawing services allow for segmentation/modification of any concrete structure into any size/shape, even heavily reinforced rebar, concrete encased steel beams, and steel encased concrete/steel embeds. We are able to dovetail our cutting solutions to the project's requirements like speed, silence, vibration-free work, smooth surfaces, small footprint, dust-free, and limited/remote access/hostile environments. Our lightweight, remotely operated, robotic hammers, shears and crushers, provide powerful controlled demolition and surgical removal while assuring the safety of the operator who controls the machine by umbilical cord/infrared remote; small footprint requirements and resulting ease of deployment allow for mechanical solutions to replace jack hammers. These units because of their unique configuration minimize vibration while offering excellent productivity.