Profile: Bocatech Inc. offers electrical indicators and accessory products. Our products include analog panel meters, bargraphs, digital panel meters, meter bezels, transducers, current transformers, military shunts, terminal blocks, portable shunts, bus connectors, triple battery monitor, fuse blocks, and power supplies. Our digital panel meters are fully functional and self-contained meters incorporating precision A/D converters, factory-trimmed reference circuits & large easy-to-read LED digital panel meter/LCD digital panel meter displays. Our unique built-in 3 KV isolated DC to AC/AC to DC converters provide for simple replacement of mechanical analog meters in any application/design. Our triple battery monitors show voltage levels of multiple battery banks by using a combination of colors and numeric readings. Bargraph meters are available as voltmeters, ammeters and frequency meters. Our BTBCSI is a modern solid-state surface mountable sealed instrument that indicates the charging state of remotely mounted 3 stage battery charger. We also provide outsourcing services in many areas such as circuit boards, resistors, capacitors, inductors, sub-assemblies, molding, die casting, screw machining, and expediting.