Carolina Mech-Tech Services |
Address: 892 M.C. Wilder Rd., Louisburg, North Carolina 27549, USA |
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Phone: +1-(919)-496-7747
Carolina Mech-Tech Services specializes in quick-turn printed circuit board products including both thru-hole and SMT technologies. Our services include breadboards, prototypes, training and rework se
Digilent, Inc. |
Address: 215 E. Main St., Ste. D, Pullman, Washington 99163, USA |
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Phone: +1-(509)-334-6306
Digilent, Inc. is a manufacturer of FPGA and microcontroller technologies.Our product line includes FPGA Boards, micro controller bards, promodâ„¢ and microchip&trade tools. Our genesys virtex&tra
Micro Control Instruments Ltd. |
Address: New Road Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 1BY, United Kingdom |
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Phone: +44-(1865)-945 515
Micro Control Instruments Ltd. specializes in providing optical and electrical measurement instruments. Anti vibration optical tables feature input signals from heavy traffic or construction travel th
Flite Electronics International Ltd |
Address: Church House Farm, Clewers Hill, Southampton, Hampshire SO32 2LN, United Kingdom |
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Phone: +44-(01489)-892422
Flite Electronics International Ltd designs, manufactures and supplies complete scientific laboratories. We also specialize in microprocessor training products as well as engineering technology equipm