Industrial Logistics |
Address: 6707 Theall Rd., Houston, Texas 77066, USA |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(281)-537-6755
Industrial Logistics is a supplier of steel pipes, valves, and fittings for the petrochemical & energy industries. We specialize in the supply, consolidation, and shipment of complete bills of materia
Changdel Industrial Co., Ltd. |
Address: 3F, 92-1, Ho Ping W. Rd., Sec. 2 Jhongjheng District, Taipei 100, Taiwan |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +886-(2)-23053250, 23053251
Changdel Industrial Co., Ltd. specializes in manufacturing & supplying industrial valves, pipe fittings and quick couplings. We are an ISO 9002 certified company. Our products are widely applied in se