Chain Conveyors

Company: Abhishek Industries
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Description: Chain Conveyors - Click To Visit Our Website Chain Conveyors are designed for low co-efficient of resistance and a high availability factor. The types of conveyor includes slat conveyors, apron conveyors, deep pan conveyors, flight conveyors and redler conveyors. It act as a pulling member. The material of construction and service life depends upon the requirement and class of utilisation with respect to time, capacity, pull of the pulling member and other factors. The conveyor pans can be of carbon steel/SS and key components such as pins and rollers deep heat-treated for wear resistance. Abhishek Industries manufactures chain conveyors in different configurations and for varied applications. They design and supply chain conveyors for ceramic, tyre, marine seafood processing, fertiliser, pulp and paper industries. Their other product range includes bucket elevators, rotary air lock feeders, apron feeders and reciprocating feeders.
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