 Gas Handling Equipment Suppliers > Charles Ross & Son Company

Charles Ross & Son Company

Contact: Ronald Reid
Address: 710 Old Willets Path, Hauppauge, New York 11788, USA
Phone: +1-(631)-234-0500,800-243-ROSS | Fax: +1-(631)-234-0691 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Charles Ross & Son Company is a source for mixers, blenders, dryers and dispersion equipment. Our trial program gives a powerful tool for optimizing a process before committing to a large purchase. High speed dispersers are suitable for dispersions that are up to a maximum of approx. 50,000 centipose. Ultra high shear inline models are designed for process lines that require frequent changes in products.

63 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• API 620 'Q' & 'R' Storage Tanks• Atmospheric Tanks• Blast Furnace
• Blenders• Conical Blenders• Conical Paste Nauta Mixers
• Design Of Mixers• Dispersers• Double Action Pony Mixers
• Double Arm Kneaders• Double Arm Mixtruders• Double Planetary Mixers
• Double Ribbon Blenders• Double Walled Tanks• Double Walled Tanks
• Dry Blenders, Twin Shell• Dryers• Fixtures
• Fluidized Change Can Mixers• Helical Blade Mixers• High Speed Blenders
• Holding Fixtures• Homogenizing Dispersers• Horizontal Rotary Batch Blenders
• Industrial Machinery• Industrial Shelving• Inline Motionless Mixers
• Inspection & Testing of API Tanks• Jacketed Double Arm Mixers• Jigs and Fixtures
• Machinery• Metals Processing• Mixer testing
• Mixers• Mixers for Gas Liquid Service• Mixers for High Viscous Liquid Service
• Mixers for Liquid Gas Solid Service• Mixers for Liquid Liquid Service• Mixers for Liquid Solid Service
• Mixing Tanks• Motionless Mixers• Paddle Blenders
• Paddle Blenders, Jacketed• Paddle Blenders, Rotary• Paddle Mixers
• Planetary Mixers• Plow Mixers• Plug Flow Motionless Mixers
• Portable Mixing Machines• Powder Injection Systems for Reducing SO2 Gases• Pressure Vessel Mixers
• Pressure Vessels• Pressurized Tanks• Ribbon Blenders
• Rotary Batch Blenders• Sanitary Continuous Blenders• Selection Of Mixers
• Single Screw Nauta Mixers• Single Speed Dispersers• Storage Tanks
• Tank Fabrication• Tanks• Two speed Dispersers

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