Omega Flex, Inc. |
Address: 451 Creamery Way, Exton, Pennsylvania 19341-2509, USA |
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Phone: +1-(610)-524-7272, 800-355-1039
Omega Flex, Inc. manufactures flexible metal hose and braid products. Our metal hose products serve steel mills, chemical & petrochemical plants, pulp & paper mills, power plants, water and wastewater
Triplex, Inc. |
Address: 1122 Kress Street, PO BOX 15317, Houston, Texas 77220-7417, USA |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(713)-672-9911
Triplex, Inc. various management programs based on the ISO 9002-1994 principles. We offer hose management program, application analysis and field surveys. We incorporate integrated supply programs as