Float Control Switches Suppliers > Clement Support Services

Clement Support Services

Contact: Bud Clement
Web: http://www.clementsupp.com
E-Mail: [EMail]clementsupp@aol.com
Address: 180 Lewis Rd. #17, San Jose, California 95111, USA
Phone: +1-(408)-227-1171 | Fax: +1-(408)-227-1178 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Clement Support Services manufacture a complete line of commercial pre-insulated pipe supports. We stock a complete inventory of pipe and conduit supports from 1/2" thru 30". We cater to custom fabrication for one support or an entire project. Job specific seismic systems and engineering services are also available. We provide plain, EG, pre-galv, HDG, stainless steel, & epoxy coated finishes.

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