 Stopper Drills Suppliers > Complaincehelp


Contact: Terence Rarick - Development Manager
Address: , Massachusetts, USA
Phone: +1-(877)-2385855 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Complaincehelp develops fully customized quality, safety, and environmental management systems. We also offer gap analysis & gap filling and internal auditing services. Our gap analysis & gap filling service includes a more in-depth review of documentation and practices against the chosen standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, & OHSAS 18001. Any areas for improvement will be highlighted and reported for rectification. With this service, the consultant will take the time to fill in any gaps in preparation, including preparing any missing procedures or forms. Clients may also, take the opportunity to ask questions and clarify any points of compliance with the chosen standards to help improve their current knowledge. ISO 9001 quality management system standard was developed by an internationally selected standard committee to help all types of organizations including commercial businesses, governments and non-profit organizations to adopt management practice.

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• ISO 14000 Consultant• Loss Prevention & Risk Management• Process Safety & Risk Management Consultants
• Quality Management Consultants• Quality Management Data Collection Systems• Quality Management Database Systems
• Quality Management Services• Quality Management Softwares• Quality Management Training Programs
• Risk Management• Risk Management Consultants• Risk Management Inspections
• Risk Management Program• Risk Management Program Development• Safety & Environmental Management
• Safety and Environmental Management Program• Six Sigma Quality Management Services• Total Quality Management Software

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