PhyMetrix Inc. |
Address: 28C Industrial Boulevard, Medford, New York 11763, USA |
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Phone: +1-(631)-627-3950
PhyMetrix Inc. designs, develops and manufactures moisture monitors and dew-pointers. We offer advanced sensing and measurement for laboratory & process control applications in a wide range of industr
U-Therm International (H.K.) Limited |
Address: Room 1103, Hang Seng Mongkok Building, 677 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon HK, Changsha, Hunan 410007, China |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: (852)-82283663
U-Therm International (H.K.) Limited is a manufacturer of coal testing instruments. We manufacture bomb calorimeters, sulfur analyzers, proximate analyzers, ash constituent analyzers, muffle furnaces,