 Single Strand Cottered Roller Chains Suppliers > Component Coating & Repair Services Ltd.

Component Coating & Repair Services Ltd.

Contact: Alan Dean - Managing Director
Address: Block 8, Unit 12 & 13 Thornliebank Ind. Est., Glasgow G46 8JQ, United Kingdom
Phone: +44-(0141)-6388600 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Component Coating & Repair Services Ltd. specializes in processes, coating systems, new manufacture, and repairs to gas turbine industry. We also specialize in the application of organic & inorganic overlay and diffusion coatings. Most gas turbines require some form of coating protection either for corrosion or erosion resistance, dry film lubricants, or simple barrier coatings. We can process compressor stator vanes & rotors, discs, shafts, turbine blades & vanes, fasteners, bonding, dressing & blending of blades & vanes, landing gear, reciprocal compressor components, and molds.

9 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
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• Process Coating Services• Repair Services• Special Coating Services

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