Condensate Cooler mixes hot condensate or hot water with a cold water supply to reduce the temperature to acceptable drain temperatures as required by city and state codes. It is a pre-assembled package that is suitable for any plumbing system. When hot condensate or hot water is drained into the condensate cooler body, the tempering valve opens and allows cold water to enter the chamber and mix with hotter liquid, cooling it to a preset temperature level of 135?F (57?C) or to a desired field-set temperature. It is utilized on any application where condensate is being discharged to drain or waste.
VOIGT Engineering GmbH |
Address: Kronwinkler Str. 47, München DE-81245, Germany |
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Phone: +49-(89)-891362-0
VOIGT Engineering GmbH is a manufacturer of fully automatic condensate return systems. Our range of services include condensate return systems, complete condensate stations, tank consturction, enginee