
Davis Inotek Instruments

Address: 4701 Mount Hope Drive, Baltimore, Maryland 21215, USA
Phone: +1-(410)-358-3900, 800-358-5525 | Fax: +1-(410)-358-0252 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Davis Inotek Instruments manufactures and distributes test, measurement and control instruments. We offer onsite calibration, pick-up & return and repair services. We provide a range of equipment calibration services that are custom-tailored. We are ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 9001:2000 registered.

1 to 100 of 102 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  Page: [1] 2 >> Next 100 Results
• Ac Circuit Load Tester• Air Velocity Combination Meters• Air Velocity Meter
• Analogue Voltmeter, Ammeter and Frequency Meter• Analyzers• Anemometer Kit With Volume Flow Calculation
• Automated Data Collection• Calibrated Resistance Temperature Detector• Calibration Gauge Block Kits
• Certifications• Choosing Clamp Meters• Communication Systems
• Compact Dry Block Thermometer Calibrator• Compact Vane Anemometer• Current Calibrator Portable Calibrator
• Deadweight Testers• Deluxe Multi Network Cable Tester• Differential Manometer With Pitot Tube
• Differential Pressure Gauges• Digital Manometer With Pc Interface• Digital Multimeters
• Digital Panel Meters• DIN Rail Terminal Blocks• Electrical Testing Equipment
• Electromagnetic Field Meter• Electronic Chassis: Electronic Enclosures• Electronic Tachometers
• Electronics Components• Float Based Tank Level Gauging• Flowmeters
• Fluidized Sand Bath Systems• Gas Detection: Combustible & Toxic• Gas Detectors
• Hand Held Vane Anemometer• Handheld Spectrum Analyzer• Harmonics Measuring/Metering
• High Accuracy Multifunction Calibrator• High Speed Anemometer• High Temperature Field Dry Block Calibrator
• High Voltage Differential Probe• Hydrocarbon Analyzers• I/P Transducers
• Industrial Machinery & Equipment• Instrument Calibration• Instrument Calibration, Field
• Instruments Calibration: Laboratory Grade• Interchangeable Transducer• Intrinsically Safe Process Multi Purpose Calibrato...
• Inventory Management• Led Miniature Vane Anemometer• Level Indicators
• Magnetic Flowmeters• Manometers• Metal Vane Thermo Anemometer
• Meter Testing Equipment• Meters, Indicating & Recording• Multi Function Calibrator With Dual Display
• Oil Operated Dual Piston• Oscilloscopes• Panel Indicators, Digital
• Personal Computers• pH Meters• Pitot Tube
• Portable DC High pot Tester• Portable Hygrometers• Positive Displacement Flowmeters
• Power Data Logger, Portable• Precision Capacitance Decade Box• Pressure control valves
• Pressure Control Valves• Pressure Switches• Printers
• Process Control Instrumentation• Recorders• Relay Setting & Testing
• Relay Setting & Testing• Remote Visual Inspection Camera/Display: Fiberscop...• RF Power Sensors
• Rotameters• Rotameters• RTDs 3 Wire
• Scales• Signal Conditioners• Sound Level Meter
• Spectrum Analyzer With Tracking Generator• Surge Suppression Devices• Tachometers
• Temperature Calibrator: Portable• Temperature Controllers• Temperature Fittings: Thermocouples
• Thermocouple Wires• Thermometers• Time Domain Reflectometer Hand Held
• Timers• Turbine Flow Meters, Sanitary• Uninterruptible Power Supply/UPS
• Vibration Meter, Portable• Voltage & Current Instrument Transformers• Voltage Calibrator Portable Calibrator
• Wide Range Inductnce Decade Box

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