ProSonix, LLC |
Address: P.O. Box 26676, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226, USA |
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Phone: +1-(800)-849-1130
ProSonix, LLC specializes in steam injected heating services. We offer direct steam injection heaters, such as jet diffusers, jet cookers and jet diffuser heater types. It is a process device designed
Pick Heaters, Inc. |
Address: 730 S. Indiana, P.O. Box 516, West Bend, Wisconsin 53095, USA |
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Phone: +1-(262)-338-1191, 800-233-9030
Pick Heaters, Inc. specializes in the development of direct steam injection heaters. The Pick constant flow direct steam injection heater is used wherever a constant flow of heated liquid at a precise
Venturi Jet Pumps Ltd. |
Address: Venturi House, Edsensor Road, Longton, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire ST3 2QE, United Kingdom |
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Phone: +44-1782 599800
Venturi Jet Pumps Ltd. is a manufacturer in venturi process equipment. We work within the power & process industry. Our products include liquid jet eductors, steam jet syphons, injection heaters, tank