 Push-Pull Buck Transformers Suppliers > Downhole Wireline Specialists

Downhole Wireline Specialists

Contact: Skip Throgmorton - President
Address: 9400 N. Broadway Ext., Ste. 610, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73114, USA
Phone: +1-(405)-495-4499 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Downhole Wireline Specialists specializes in deep, high-pressure wireline and back-off services. We offer case-hole logging and completion services. Our service and equipment includes free point indicators, radial cutting torch, chemical cutters, jet cutters and split shot cutters. We focus on maintaining health and safety. We also deal with emergency response plans, hazard communications, fire prevention and forklift safety.

8 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Deep Wireline Services• High Pressure Wireline Services• Jet Cutters
• Metal Severing Tools• Oilfield Drilling Services• Pipe Recovery Services
• Radial Cutting Torch• Split Shot Cutters

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