Procedyne Engineers |
Address: No.4, Jayaram Avenue, Shastri Nagar, Adyar, Chennai 600020, India |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +91-(44)-42024696
Procedyne offers a comprehensive range of Y, Basket, Duplex, Tee, Temporary, Fabricated and automated self-cleaning strainers for increased life of your Valves, Pumps and other flow control equipment
Automatic Self Cleaning Strainer |
Tee Strainers |
Duplex Strainers
Industrial Screen & Maintenance, Inc. |
Address: 750 E. F St. / PO Box 373, Casper, Wyoming 82602, USA |
Phone: +1-(307)-234-3547
Industrial Screen & Maintenance, Inc. specializes in custom screen design, prototype design, machining, welding, rubberizing and molding. Our product line includes drill pipe strainers, conical screen