Profile: E+E Elektronik is an ISO TS16949:2002 certified manufacturer of high quality transmitters, sensors, data loggers, handhelds and calibrators for the measurement of relative humidity, moisture, dew point, air velocity, CO2 and temperature. We accredited calibration laboratory in the fields of humiditiy, dew point, air velocity and temperature measurement. We specialize in the fields of measurement of humidity and air velocity by means of thin film technology.
Our Main business segments:
Humidity / Temperature Transmitter
highly accurate EE32/33 series are designed for fast and reliable measurement of relative humidity, dew point temperature, absolute humidity / under the most demanding conditions. Neither condensation nor heavy chemical pollutions will affect prompt and reliable measurements. Process pressures as high as 100 bar (1450 psi) and continuous high humidity are also no problem for the EE32/33 series.
Condensation Monitor
Our EE45 condensation monitors are used to monitor the formation of condensation on chilled ceilings and to prevent condensation at critical spots of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. It is also used as a dew point monitor for systems operating near the dew point. Because of the temperature coupling between the condensation monitor and the environment, the relative humidity is a measure for the dew point.
Dew Point Measurements
Exact dew point monitoring is increasingly playing a more important role in many industrial applications, such as drying processes and air pressure pipelines.