Profile: ErosionTech LLC is a manufacturer and distributor of erosion control products. We manufacture erosion control blankets, silt fence, straw wattles, rock bags, landfill covers, and sediment traps. Our ETRS1 is a single sided erosion control blanket. It is manufactured from 100% agricultural wheat straw mechanically bonded (stitched) onto a layer of medium-weight synthetic poly-propylene netting. We also offer woven and non-woven geotextiles. Our ETRS-2BN is a double sided biodegradable straw blanket. The 100% agricultural wheat straw matrix is mechanically bonded between two layers of biodegradable jute netting using 100% biodegradable natural thread. Our erosion control blankets are a protective covering or soil stabilization mat used to establish permanent vegetation on step slopes or channels.