Feeder Table Chain

Company: Swajit Engineering Pvt Ltd

Description: Industrial heavy-duty chains, steel conveyor chains, slats and sprockets, and spares are especially made for cement plants and sugar mills. The wide variety of feeder table chains is available with tensile strength ranging from 20,000 to 40,000 kg. Chains are manufactured as per IS-8466:1990 on high precision presses using carbon steel for links and operation blanking, piercing and shaving to avoid linear elongation. Shot peening is done for links to improve fatigue resistance. Pin and bushes are made of alloy steel, and preciously machined, case carburised, and then ground for perfect fitting. Rollers IS226 or carbon steel are heat treated to improve wear resistance.

Other Catalogs (From Swajit Engineering Pvt Ltd) :
• Steel Roller Conveyor Chains
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