 Aluminum Scaffolding Towers Suppliers > Fisher & Paykel Appliances Inc.

Fisher & Paykel Appliances Inc.

Contact: John Bongard - CEO
Address: 5900 Skylab Rd., Huntington Beach, California 92647, USA
Phone: +1-(888)-936.7872 | Fax: +1-(800)-547-1971 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Fisher & Paykel Appliances Inc. specializes in offering refrigerators and microwave ovens. We also provide laundry equipment and dryers. We have designed a microwave with 1200 watts of power. It features carousel turntable system, freestanding or built-in application, and 1200 watts microwave power.

3 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Commercial Microwave Ovens• Laundry Equipment• Refrigerators

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