 Stainless Steel Flue Pipe Suppliers > Fowler Products Company, LLC

Fowler Products Company, LLC

Contact: Todd McVeigh - Interactive Marketing
Address: 150 Collins Industrial Blvd. / PO Box 80268, Athens, Georgia 30601, USA
Phone: +1-(706)-549-3300 | Fax: +1-(706)-548-1278 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Fowler Products Company, LLC manufactures machinery for closing rigid containers for virtually all markets, including hot and cold fill beverages, food, pharmaceutical, chemical, personal care, household goods & distilled spirits. We offer a variety of solutions for high-speed capping, cap handling and bottle cleaning/rinsing. We provide a variety of screw (rotary) capping machines for a number of different industries and products. The high speed bottle capping heads provide for repeatable and reliable cap application of the screw caps. The rotary cappers use presorted caps that are picked up & secured and then placed on the containers. We offer the CAS series, CAE electronic series, and tangential infeed CAST series screw type cappers. The CAS automatic series screw capper is a high speed screw capper that runs all varieties of screw capping for a number of different industries. The frictionless screw capping heads provides reliable and repeatable cap application torque at speeds up to 1200 bottles per minute. The CAE series automatic, electronic screw type bottle capper is an automatic capping machine that uses features unique to the Fowler/Zalkin machines. The CAE series automatic screw capper offers a number of aseptic bottle filling and capping applications.

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• Plastic Bottle Capping Equipment• Screw Cappers• Screw Capping Machines
• Screw Capping Systems• Screw Type Bottle Cappers

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