 Oval Flat Suction Pads Suppliers > Franklin Fueling Systems

Franklin Fueling Systems

Contact: Don Kenney - President
Address: 3760 Marsh Road, Madison, Wisconsin 53718, USA
Phone: +1-(608)-838-8786 | Fax: +1-(608)-838-6433 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Franklin Fueling Systems produces petroleum equipment. We offer gasoline pump. We manufacture variable length submersible pumps and variable speed submersible turbine pumps. We supply all the equipment required for an underground fueling system. We acquire EBW tank trim hardware, APT flexible piping & secondary containment systems and INCON fuel management systems. We design submersible motors for use in pumping motor fuels. Our intelligent submersible turbine utilizes frequency controller to monitor the pumping demand at the station forecourt.

60 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Aboveground Float Vent Valve• Aboveground Storage Tank Systems• Aircraft Fueling Nozzles
• Angle Check Valves• Automatic Tank Gauges• Ball Float Vent Valves
• Below Grade Intermediate Piping Sumps• Below Grade Spill Containers• Below Grade Transition Tank Sumps
• Below Grade Wall Transition Sleeves• Bulkhead Boots• Cathodic Protection Monitors
• Clamshell Non-Swivel Pipe Fittings• Clamshell Secondary Test Boots• Clamshell Swivel Pipe Fittings
• Dispenser Interface Modules• Double Entry Boots• Double Wall Cutting Tools
• Drop Tubes• Electro-Optic Liquid Sensors• Emergency Shut-off Valves
• Extractor Vent Valves• Fill Pipe Adaptors & Caps• Flow Nozzle Meter Tubes
• Foot Valve Extractors• Foot Valves• Fuel Oil Delivery Nozzles
• Galvanized End Connections & Fittings• Grade Level Spill Containers• Grade Level Transition Sumps
• Herbicide Nozzles• Intermediate Piping Sumps• Large Mouth Dispenser Sumps
• Liquid Level Probes• Liquid Level Sensor• Male Swage Swivel Pipe Fittings
• Mechanical Line Leak Detection• Nozzle Tubes• Overfill Protection Valves
• Pressure Vacuum Vents• Pressure/Vacuum Tank Vents• Pumps, Submersible
• Safety Sever Emergency Breakaways• Square Manholes• Steel Manholes
• Submerged Turbine Pumps• Sump Flame Arrestors• Sump Testing Systems
• Swage Machines• Swage Secondary Air Test Boots• Tank Fitting Adapters
• Tank Sumps• Turbine Pump Interface• Under Pump In-Line Check Valves
• Union Check Valves• Utility Nozzles• Vacuum Vents
• Vapor Recovery Adaptors & Caps• Vapor Shear Valves• Vertical Check Valves

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