Description: FRP Cooling Towers are made from special raw materials that are selected to withstand corrosion, to resist water borne bacteria and organisms. These materials are light in weight that permits roof installation with special reinforcement of any kind. It consumes less power (energy) overall because it is less air resistance to water. A direct driven axial fan ensures the system is free from problems faced with belt and gear drives. These cooling towers are used in application like air conditioning plant, induction furnaces/sheet rolling mills, chilling plant/refrigeration, diesel generator set/turbines, injection molding/plastic industries, automobile industries, mechanical and forging industries and engineering industries. The salient features of this towers include : direct-driven axial fan, vertical induced-draft counter flow, highly efficient honeycomb PVC fills, leak-proof FRP basin, hot dip galvanized ms supporting structure, modular, light-weight and long lasting construction, and corrosion-resistant and fire-retardant.
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