 LP Tank Cabinets Suppliers > G A Assembly Ltd

G A Assembly Ltd

Contact: Claire Alsop - Office Administration
Address: Alma Works, Coke Hill, Rotherham, South Yorkshire S60 2HX, United Kingdom
Phone: +44-(1709)-839911 | Fax: +44-(1709)-838373 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: G A Assembly Ltd is a contract electronics manufacturing business. We are accredited with ISO 9001 2008 certification. We assemble electronics equipment such as printed circuit boards, both by hand and using automated assembly equipment. We offer a full range of services from design and manufacture right through to product packaging. We can design or provide design assistance with any PCB. Also we can take any existing circuit or even use a technical drawing of a circuit and replicate it to the final completed product. We have all the necessary machinery and expertise & specialize in in-house manufacturing techniques like through hole circuit board assembly, surface mount circuit board assembly and plastic molding.

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