 Metal Trash Carts Suppliers > G. L. Automation, Inc.

G. L. Automation, Inc.

Contact: Galle Lin - President
Address: 10710 Sandhill Rd., Dallas, Texas 75238, USA
Phone: +1-(214)-503-9888 | Fax: +1-(214)-503-6060 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: G. L. Automation, Inc. develops, fabricates and supplies semiconductor wafer manufacturing tools. Our service line comprises of training, installation, system maintenance, fabrication, manufacturing and assembly. Our product line includes aligner, wafer ID readers, wafer transfer tools and sorters. Our notch/flat aligners feature a precision ground peek rollers. Our batch wafer transfer tool is used for wafer transfer with or without ID reading.

28 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• 4-Way Dynamic Slide Transfers• Automatic Slide Transfers• Automatic Wafer Aligner with Counter
• Automatic Wafer Aligners• Automatic Wafer Counter• Automatic Wafer Flat/Notch Aligners
• Automatic Wafer ID Readers• Automatic Wafer Purging System• Automatic Wafer Transfer Systems
• Cascade Wafer Presenter• Cassette Rotation Stage• Dynamic Slide Transfers
• Manual Flat Finders• Manual Notch Aligners• Manual Wafer Lifter
• Manual Wafer Presenter/Stepper• Mass Wafer Transfer System• Quartz Boat Handles
• Silicon Carbide Boat Handles• Single Wafer Aligners• Single Wafer Lifter
• Sorters• Standard Slide Transfers• Vertical Batch Wafer Transfer/Reader
• Wafer Handling Systems• Wafer ID Sorters• Wafer Inspection Systems
• Wafer Transfer Systems

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