 Refueling Platform Upgrades Suppliers > Garland Manufacturing Company

Garland Manufacturing Company

Contact: Daniel Garland - Director
Address: P.O. Box 538, Saco, Maine 04072, USA
Phone: +1-(207)-283-3693 | Fax: +1-(207)-283-4834 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Garland Manufacturing is engaged in manufacturing Gar-Dur® UHMW plastic profiles, custom machined part and mallets & soft faced hammers. We provide soft face mallets and hammers, which are made by long-wearing water buffalo rawhide and are ideal for use in non-marring applications. Our profile extrusions are used in the material handling industry, as component parts in conveyor lines in the automotive industry, lumbering, food/beverage packaging, and other industries which require a tough, wear-resistant material. Gar-Dur® is processed in specially designed equipment using precision engineered dies.

32 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Asphalt Felts & Coatings• Custom Plastic Profile Extrusions• Deadblow Hammers
• Elastomer Mallets• Extrusion Tooling• Hammer Faces
• Industrial Plastics• Lumber,Wood• Machine Tooling
• Machined Parts• Machining Services• Metal Extrusions
• Metal Roof Systems• Plastic Extrusions• Plastic Mallets
• Plastic Profiles• Precision Fabricated Parts• Pressure Sealing Rubber Tapes
• Pressure Sensitive Wear Tapes• PTFE for Extrusion• Rawhide Mallets
• Replacement Handles• Rubber Mallets• Soft Face Hammers
• Soft Faced Hammers• Solid Rubber Mallet• Split-Head Hammers
• Split-Head Hammers with Rawhide Faces• Trusses• Wearstrips
• Weighted Rawhide Mallets• Wooden Mallets

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