
GasTran Systems

Contact: David Florez - VP Sales
Address: 1768 East 25th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44114, USA
Phone: +1-(216)-391-7780 | Fax: +1-(216)-391-7004 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: GasTran® Systems designs, builds, and installs industrial water treatment systems and equipment. Our focus is on deaeration, decarbonation, and degasification systems for liquids. We also sell process equipment based on the propietary GasTran Technology. This equipment can be used as a chemical reactor, homogenizer, and for flash evaporation.

60 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Advanced Energy Saving Filtration• Air Pipeline Filtration• Angle Basket Strainers
• Chilled Water Integrated Plant Package• Close Coupled Dry Motor Circulator• Close Coupled Vertical In Line Pumps
• Commercial Pump Legacy Components• Compact Back flusher Strainer• Configured Hydronic Hook Up Kits
• Counterflow Field Erected Cooling Tower• Crossflow Field Erected Cooling Tower• Deaerators
• Degassing• Dehydration Equipment• Falling Film Tubular Evaporators
• Fire Pump Monitoring System• Forced Circulation Plate Evaporators• Forced Draft Decarbonators
• Gas Heated Evaporators• Gas Pipeline Filtration• Glycol Autofill Units
• Groundwater & Wastewater Remediation Systems• Hazardous Substance Removal• High Pressure Methanol Pump
• High Shear Batch Mixer• High Shear In Line Batch Mixer• Homogenizers
• HVAC Chilled Water Packages• Hybrid Cell Type Cooling Tower• Hybrid Circular Tower
• Hydrogen Sulfide Removal• Hydrogen Sulfide Removal System• Liquid Pipeline Filtration
• Magnetic Drive Peripheral Pumps• Magnetic Drive Vortex Pumps• Motor Mounted Pumps
• Natural Draft Field Erected Cooling Tower• Packed Column Type Absorbers• Packed Columns
• Packed Columns Deaerators• Process Diaphragm Pumps• Recirculated Falling Film Evaporators
• Recuperative Oxidation• Regenerative Oxidation• Sensorless Variable Speed Pumps
• Single Pass Falling Film evaporators• Solvent Recovery Systems• Solvent Recovery Systems
• Solvent recovery, Effluent Recycling• Split Coupled Vertical In Line Pumps• Static Mixing Systems
• Stock Motor Mounted Pumps• Tray Deaerators• Twin Vertical In Line Pumps
• Vacuum Deaerators• Vacuum Degasifier• Vertical In Line dual Arm Pumps
• Vortex Air Separators• Waste Water Treatment• Water Treatment and Recycling

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