
Hard Chrome Solutions

Contact: Frank Nicholas - Manager
Address: 36 S Adamsville Road, Bridgewater, New Jersey 08807, USA
Phone: +1-(732)-895-3225 | Fax: +1-(732)-658-3199 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Hard Chrome Solutions is specialized in hard chrome plating. Our chrome is 65-68 RC hardest in the nation. We also grind Id & od. We also have complete machine shop service & emergency service upon request.

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• Air Drilling Screw Compressors• Axial Bladed Impeller Fans• Axial Flow Compressors
• Axial Reaction Turbines• Axially Split Multistage Pumps• Axially Split Two Stage Pumps
• Barrel Pumps• Bi-Phase Rotary Separator Turbines• Blowers
• Boiler Feed Pumps• Boiler Feed Pumps• Boost Compressors
• Booster Pump Systems, Horizontal• Bowed Rolls• Bright Chrome Plating
• Bronze Gear Pumps• Bronze Pumps• Carbide Compacting Dies
• Carbide Dies• Carbide Progressive Stamping Dies• Carbide Wire Dies
• Carbides Thermal Sprays• Centrifugal Chopper Pumps• Centrifugal Compressors
• Centrifugal Grinder Pumps• Centrifugal Heat Transfer Pumps• Centrifugal Pump Repairs
• Centrifugal Pump, Spare Parts• Centrifugal Pumps for Paper and Pulp Service• Centrifugal Screw Pumps
• Centrifugal Slurry Pumps• Centrifugal Stainless Steel Pumps• Ceramic Coatings
• Ceramics Thermal Sprays• Chemical Process Pumps• Chrome Plating
• Circumferential Gear Pumps• CNC Billet Pumps• Coating Dies
• Coatings• Combined Vane Vacuum Pumps / Compressors• Combustion Chamber Die
• Combustion Liners• Commercial & Industrial Pumps• Compacting Tooling Dies
• Compound Dies• Compound Turbo Molecular Vacuum Pump• Compression Molds
• Compressor Coating• Compressor Cylinders• Compressor, High Pressure Horizontal Type
• Compressors for Acid Gas Service• Compressors for Electric Utilities• Connection Rod Repair Services
• Copper Plating• Corrosion Protective Coatings• Corrosive Service High Pressure Pumps
• Crankshaft Repair• Cross Gear Pumps• Crude Oil Booster Pump Packages
• Crude Oil Pumping Service• Cryogenic Pump Repair Services• Cryogenic Vacuum Pumps
• Curved Blade Turbines• Custom Gear Pumps• Custom Manufacture of Cylinders or Obsolete Parts
• Cylinder Head Repair Services• Cylinder Remanufacturing Services• Digester Systems, Complete Woodyards, Chipping &am...
• Dual Drive Cutter Retrofit Packages• Dual Stage Vacuum Pump• Duplex Steam Pumps
• Eductor Pumps• Ejector Punches• Electra-Saver Rotary Screw Compressors
• Electroless Nickel Plating• Electroplating• Exotic Alloyed Chemical Pumps
• External Gear Pumps• Extreme Heavy Duty Pump• Extruder Gear Pump Systems
• Extrusion Blow Molds• Extrusion Die Components• Extrusion Dies
• Extrusion Pumps• Extrusion Screws• Feedwater Pump Turbine Controls Mechanical Service...
• Feedwater Pumps• Fertilizer Pumps• Film Dies
• Film Extrusion• Film processors• Flash Chrome Platings
• Flat Blade Turbines• Flat Sheet Molds• Flow Coating
• Forging Dies• Form Dies• Forming Dies
• Freezer Pumps

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