
Hawkeye Industries Inc.

Contact: Ernie Sledz - Sales Manager
Address: 4716 76 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta T6B 0A5, Canada
Phone: +1-(780)-490-4295 | Fax: +1-(780)-490-4290 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Hawkeye Industries Inc. manufactures liquid level gauging systems, tank vapour control solutions, ID controlled transition fittings, polyethylene pipeline fittings and oil production equipment. Our Marshhawk anti-freeze thief hatch is a deep-set pressure and vacuum relief for atmospheric tanks. Our fabricated polyethylene fittings are manufactured from raw billet materials, or injection molded from resin stock. It comes in a wide range of styles and sizes suitable for gas pipeline systems. We also offer redtail hawks, roadside hawks and greyhawk liquid level gauging systems. Redtail hawk is a sealed float-activated level gauge that features a dry-seal design. Roadside hawk is a compact design suited for higher pressure applications, as well as underground tanks. The greyhawk level indication system provides an effective and economical way to directly gauge level in knock-out or other horizontal tanks.

41 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Anti-freeze Thief Hatch• Ball Check Valve• Bulk Tank Level Gauges
• Capacitance Type Level Transmitter• Critical Flow Prover• Displacer Type Level Switches
• Electromechanical Intermittent Level Transmitters• End Seals• Fabricated Polyethylene Fittings
• Float & Board Type Level Indicators• Float Actuated Level Gauges• Float Actuated Level Gauges
• Float and Chord Type Level Indicator• Float and Tape Type Level Indicator• Float Based Tank Level Gauging
• Float Level Gauge for Knock-out and Horizontal Tan...• Float Level Gauge for Underground Tanks• Float Level Gauges
• Float Type Level Indicator• Float Type Level Switches• ID Controlled Transition Fittings
• Level Indication, Open Systems• Level Indication, Sealed Systems• Level Switches
• Liquid Level Gauges• Liquid Level Switches• Non-ID Controlled Transition Fittings
• Point Level Switches• Pressure and Vacuum Relief Hatch• Pressure Transmitters
• Pulse Burst Radar Level Transmitter• RACI Casing Spacers• RF Capacitance Level Transmitter
• Sealed Float-Activated Level Gauge• Side Mounted Magnetic Level Switches• Tank Barrel Gauge
• Tank Gauging Parts• Top Mounted Magnetic Level Switches• Tracer Wire
• Tubing Drains• Wrap Around End Seals

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