Hbt Sluice Valve Series Concrete Pump

Company: Hunan Joinrun Machinery Co Ltd

Description: HBT sluice valve series concrete pump consists of an open three united pump and three loops style hydraulic system design. The main pump is equipped with steady power control and an automatic pressure cutting-off device for reliable protection. The forerun over fall valve provides safe flooding function. There is an independent main pump and S-valve flirt oil loop and placidity switch for reliable performance. Prick sealed hydraulic loop is connected by flange for ease and economical maintenance. The electrical system consists of a 24 V DC supply and imported electrical components, for reliable and easy maintenance. Other features include an automatic gun of diesel engine, wire or wireless options convenient for long distance control, close-up, and no touch turn-off reliable switch. The automated lubrication system has centralized controls with optional manual cleaning with a high pressure filter equipped on the lubricate pump outlet. Inclined mounted sluice valve together with the reasonably designed flow passage gives the machine great adaptability to concrete as well as higher volumetric efficiency.

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