 Used Machine Tools Suppliers > Heat And Control, Inc.

Heat And Control, Inc.

Contact: George Lotti - CFO
Address: 21121 Cabot Blvd., Hayward, California 94545, USA
Phone: +1-(510)-259-0500, 800-227-5980 | Fax: +1-(510)-259-0600 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Heat And Control, Inc. is a manufacturer of food processing and packaging equipment systems. Our products include fryer systems, oil filters, oven systems, searing systems, Ishida CCW-R series weighers, CCW-SE series weighers, flexcentric conveyor and seasoning systems. Our ovens uniformly cook each piece of product across the full belt width, producing higher yields, faster cook times, increased throughput and maximum food safety. Our CEIA metal detectors are multi frequency detector offers extreme sensitivity to all magnetic & non-magnetic metals, including stainless steel and variations in product effect.

75 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Ambient Air Cooler• Automatic Heated Centrifuge• Batch Peelers
• Belt Type Flavor Dispenser• Can and Jar Fillers• Canister Filter
• Centrifugal Separation System• Checkweigher Reject Systems• Coil Type Heat Exchanger
• Combination Brander• Combination Searer• Continuous Belt Filter
• Continuous Paper Filter• Continuous Peelers• Continuous Steam Cooker
• Crate Dumper• Crate Filler• Debris Removal System
• Direct Flame Searer• Dirt Remover• Distribution Conveyors
• Drum Breader• Drum Pre Filter• Dual Axis Funnel Follower
• Enclosed Tube Conveyor• Fabricated Chip Fryer• Flexible Strip Pack Applicator
• Food Packaging• Food Processing Equipment• Fresh Produce Weigher
• Fryer Support Modules• Heat exchanger with Combustion Air Pre Heater• High Performance In Line Seal Checker
• Horizontal Heat Exchanger• Injection Blancher• Inspection Trim Conveyor
• Integrated Metal Detection System• Low Fat Stripping System• Machine Shops
• Marinade Applicator• Mastermatic Batch Fryer• Mastermatic HD Batch Fryer
• Mastermatic Nut Roasting System• Metal Detection Combo Unit• Metering Hopper
• Motorized Catch Box• Multi Pocket Fillers• Multi Purpose Oven Cooking System
• Nugget Former• Oil Holding Tanks• Oil Make Up Pump
• Oscillating Funnel Follower• Packing Equipment• Pneumatic Salter
• Pollution Control Heat Exchanger• Product Distribution System• Revolution Seasoning System
• Roll Salter• Rotary Can Filler• Rotary Chip Sizer
• Sanitary Standards Weigher• Seasoning Dust Control Hood• Slicer Auger Feeder
• Slicer Feeder• Standard Metal Detector• Starch Recovery Systems
• Steam to Oil Heat Exchanger• Thermal Fluid to Oil Heating Systems• Tostada Shell Fryer
• Tray and Carton Fillers• Truck Dumping System• Twin Drum Spiral Oven
• Varilift Bucket Conveyor• Washracks• Water Removal System

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