Ohio Knife & Grinding |
Address: 219 Annadale Street, Akron, Ohio 44304, USA
www.ohknife.com |
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Phone: +1-(330)-773-6646
Ohio Knife & Grinding is involved in providing industrial knife. We deliver a wide range of CNC sharpening and repair services. We serve the plastics, paper, printing, packaging and metal industries.
Great Lakes Industrial Knife Co., Inc. |
Address: 3261 Copley Rd. / PO Box 14509, Akron, Ohio 44321, USA
www.glknife.com |
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Phone: +1-(330)-665-1200
Great Lakes Industrial Knife Co. manufactures machine knives. Our products include pelletizer knives, helical pelletizer rotors, granulator knives, granulator screens, sheeter knives, pulp cutter kniv