Industrial Brushware Ltd |
Address: Ibex House, 76-77 Malt Mill, Halesowen, West Midlands B62 8JJ, United Kingdom |
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Phone: +44-(121)-559 3862
Industrial Brushware Limited focuses on the design and production of specialized industrial brushes for all types of applications. We provide different types of brushes like the strip bush, wire brush
Gambarotta Gschwendt Srl Gmbh. |
Address: Viale Verona 200, Trento 38100, Italy |
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Phone: +39-(461)-920403, 925051
Gambarotta Gschwendt Srl Gmbh is engaged in the design, construction and assembly of mechanical bulk material lifting and handling equipment. Our product line includes fast bucket elevators with centr
Orientech |
Address: 745, Cristini Boulevard, Lachute, Quebec J8H 4N6, Canada |
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Phone: +1-(450)-562-0745
Orientech develops and manufactures automation solutions for pharmaceutical, food, plastic and cosmetic industries. We offer bulk feed hoppers & elevators, vibratory feeders, centrifugal feeders, cap