 Mug Holder Suppliers > Hydro-Tech


Contact: Kevin Bjornson
Address: 2121 Aurora Ave. N., Seattle, Washington 98109, USA
Phone: +1-(206)-547-2202 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Hydro-Tech specializes in the hydrodemolition of reinforced concrete using selective removal with high pressure water jet machines. Our products include HYDROPONICS™, HYDROLIFE LIGHTS™. Our SUPER HPSA™ grow lamps lighting system provides optimum spectral energy levels that promote vigorous plant growth.

11 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Bulbs• Ceramic Metal Halide Bulbs• Ceramic Metal Halide Digital Ballast
• Ceramic Metal Halide Magnetic Ballast• Digital Electronic Ballast Systems• High Intensity Discharge/HID Lighting Fixtures
• Lighting Fixtures• Lighting, Ballast• Magnetic Ballasts
• Pulse Start Halide Bulb• Spinning Light Systems

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