Profile: ISE-MagTech, Inc. specializes in the process and level controls industry. We also deal with magnetic level control. We provide our products under the brand name Magtech™. We offer a high accuracy, magnetostrictive transmitter with simultaneous triple output, and HART protocol. In our magnetic level indicators, the float chamber is basically a column of 2-1/2 inch pipe with process connections to match those of the storage tank, reactor, or other equipment, where level is to be measured. These connections may be side couplings or flanges, or top and bottom flanges. The magnetic float moves up and down inside the chamber as the process level changes. ABM series level transmitters allow simple and reliable non-contact measurement of fluids in a tank, sump or other container. The microprocessor controlled circuit generates a pulse that is transmitted from the transducer face. This pulse is reflected back from the fluid surface, and the transit time is converted into a directly proportional current output. Our drumsite level indicator is designed for (though not limited to) a boiler drum producing steam. The unit consists of a magnetic liquid level gage with an integrally mounted sight glass.