 Double Deck Rackable Pallets Suppliers > Industrial Acoustics Company

Industrial Acoustics Company

Contact: Geoff Crowhurst - Sales and Marketing Director
Address: I A C House, Moorside Road, Winchester, Hampshire SO23 7US, United Kingdom
Phone: +44-(1962)-873000 | Fax: +44-(1962)-873111 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Industrial Acoustics Company is a solution provider to wide range of noise pollution and sound quality problems. We are accredited to ISO 9000:2000 quality certifiction. We offer aero-engine testing solutions, noise and acoustic control products. Our silencers and acoustic enclosures provide noise reduction for manufacturing and process industries while our rugged noise barriers reduce noise pollution from factories, roads and railways. Our cooling tower silencers, acoustic louvres and anti-vibration mounts for plant & equipment rooms are effective noise suppressors to reduce noise pollution. We manufacture sound reduction systems for portable air compressors, diesel generator sets, pneumatic drills and other applications. We supply turnkey, noise-controlled air filtration packages for high-technology shipboard and land-based gas turbine engines. Our power plant silencer systems are suitable for utilities, chemical and oil industries. We design and manufacture duct attenuators. Our duct silencers provide solutions for solving the wide diversity of noise control problems encountered in HVAC engineering. Clean-FlowT rectangular silencers is one of our product. Their linings on the fill material guard against erosion of particulate matter into the airstream. Their specific internal construction features protect the lining against chaffing or premature failure. They are necessary to maintain the rated aero-acoustic performance.

4 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
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